[su_heading size=”18″]IPPTS Associates Role:[/su_heading]
Leachate Water Chemistry Expert
Client in East Anglia, UK.
Reporting, remedial works inspection, and regulatory authority liaison in connection with a problem with environmental emissions compliance including independent advice on water quality sampling data interpretation after a pollution incident in connection with an anaerobic digestion facility (biogas plant).
Worked to repair relations with the local Environmental Regulator (Environment Agency (EA)), averting the risk of prosecution of our client by the environmental regulatory body.
- co-ordination with the EA throughout remedial works phase
- Engineer’s Inspection Report on completion of remedial works by the civils contractor
- the production of a Water Quality Monitoring Procedure for use by the client
- a programme of water quality monitoring with trigger levels for corrective action in the event of an excedence
- assignment of watercourse water quality compliance criteria which proved to be acceptable to the EA
- surface-water water-quality monitoring to demonstrate a successful clean-up of watercourse
- expert reports to interpret water quality trends using Laboratory Water Quality Reports on a monthly basis, to demonstrate water quality compliance.
DSEAR Risk Assessment for a Waste Treatment Facility Located on a Capped Landfill
DSEAR Risk Assessment Service DSEAR Risk Assessment and Explosion Protection Document provided for a waste processing facility located above a capped, but large and deep heavily gassing landfill in Wales. Features: Site visit with in-depth interview of facility operatives to scope the potential landfill gas health and safety risks Production of risk assessment table with […]
Case Study 7: In-Vessel Composting Facility Design
[su_heading size=”18″]IPPTS Associates Role:[/su_heading] General waste management expert, and composting process design Developed the process design and provided engineering advice, to Glonet Consultants, for the feasibility studies for two large In-vessel MSW Composting Facilities planned for two municipalities in India. Estimated at £15 Million to £19 Million construction cost.
Methane Stripping from Landfill Leachate: A Case Study
For this case study on Methane Stripping from Landfill Leachate, IPPTS Associates’ role was to act as the leachate expert for a centralized methane stripping facility to serve 4 landfills in the counties of Yorkshire and Derbyshire. Duties were to design a methane stripping plant (MSP) in outline, write up the technical specs, and procure […]
Case Study 5: Leachate Treatment for New Landfill in Vietnam
[su_heading size=”18″]IPPTS Associates Role:[/su_heading] Leachate Expert Nha Trang Landfill Project: Completed a leachate treatment and disposal options study, drafted the technical specifications and provided a full report on the preferred treatment process and disposal option, for the landfill owner which was the Regional Government. Preferred treatment was Extended Aeration SBR to sewer, after review of […]
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